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Kleinkünstler auf dem Festival-Mediaval 2010

Arne Feuerschlund


Arne Feuerschlund war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Arne Feuerschlund


Arne Feuerschlund war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Arne Feuerschlund


Arne Feuerschlund war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Arne Feuerschlund


Arne Feuerschlund war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Basseltan Logo

Gauklerduo Basseltan (altdeutsch „Zeitvertreib“) - zwei Himmelsstürmer, die in unterschiedlichen Rollen agieren, szenisches Artisten-Theater darbieten, Jonglage-Shows zeigen, mal auf der Bühne, mal im Publikum.
Ein Märchen gefällig – mit ungewissem Ausgang? Eine Varietédarbietung, ein Feuerspektakel? Oder einfach nur zwei skurrile Gestalten, die den Gästen den roten Teppich kurzweiliger Lustbarkeit ausrollen?
Basseltan ist stets mittendrin, halb improvisiert, halb bedacht, aber sicher immer: Zeitvertreib!

Basseltan spielen dieses Jahr zu folgenden Zeiten:
Freitag, 06.09., 17:45 Uhr, Theaterbühne
Samstag, 07.09., 20:00 Uhr, Theaterbühne
Sonntag, 08.09., 14:15 Uhr, Theaterbühne

Basseltan war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Basseltan Logo

Gauklerduo Basseltan (altdeutsch „Zeitvertreib“) - zwei Himmelsstürmer, die in unterschiedlichen Rollen agieren, szenisches Artisten-Theater darbieten, Jonglage-Shows zeigen, mal auf der Bühne, mal im Publikum.
Ein Märchen gefällig – mit ungewissem Ausgang? Eine Varietédarbietung, ein Feuerspektakel? Oder einfach nur zwei skurrile Gestalten, die den Gästen den roten Teppich kurzweiliger Lustbarkeit ausrollen?
Basseltan ist stets mittendrin, halb improvisiert, halb bedacht, aber sicher immer: Zeitvertreib!

Basseltan spielen dieses Jahr zu folgenden Zeiten:
Freitag, 06.09., 17:45 Uhr, Theaterbühne
Samstag, 07.09., 20:00 Uhr, Theaterbühne
Sonntag, 08.09., 14:15 Uhr, Theaterbühne

Basseltan war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Basseltan Logo

Gauklerduo Basseltan (altdeutsch „Zeitvertreib“) - zwei Himmelsstürmer, die in unterschiedlichen Rollen agieren, szenisches Artisten-Theater darbieten, Jonglage-Shows zeigen, mal auf der Bühne, mal im Publikum.
Ein Märchen gefällig – mit ungewissem Ausgang? Eine Varietédarbietung, ein Feuerspektakel? Oder einfach nur zwei skurrile Gestalten, die den Gästen den roten Teppich kurzweiliger Lustbarkeit ausrollen?
Basseltan ist stets mittendrin, halb improvisiert, halb bedacht, aber sicher immer: Zeitvertreib!

Basseltan spielen dieses Jahr zu folgenden Zeiten:
Freitag, 06.09., 17:45 Uhr, Theaterbühne
Samstag, 07.09., 20:00 Uhr, Theaterbühne
Sonntag, 08.09., 14:15 Uhr, Theaterbühne

Basseltan war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Basseltan Logo

Gauklerduo Basseltan (altdeutsch „Zeitvertreib“) - zwei Himmelsstürmer, die in unterschiedlichen Rollen agieren, szenisches Artisten-Theater darbieten, Jonglage-Shows zeigen, mal auf der Bühne, mal im Publikum.
Ein Märchen gefällig – mit ungewissem Ausgang? Eine Varietédarbietung, ein Feuerspektakel? Oder einfach nur zwei skurrile Gestalten, die den Gästen den roten Teppich kurzweiliger Lustbarkeit ausrollen?
Basseltan ist stets mittendrin, halb improvisiert, halb bedacht, aber sicher immer: Zeitvertreib!

Basseltan spielen dieses Jahr zu folgenden Zeiten:
Freitag, 06.09., 17:45 Uhr, Theaterbühne
Samstag, 07.09., 20:00 Uhr, Theaterbühne
Sonntag, 08.09., 14:15 Uhr, Theaterbühne

Basseltan war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Basseltan Logo

Gauklerduo Basseltan (altdeutsch „Zeitvertreib“) - zwei Himmelsstürmer, die in unterschiedlichen Rollen agieren, szenisches Artisten-Theater darbieten, Jonglage-Shows zeigen, mal auf der Bühne, mal im Publikum.
Ein Märchen gefällig – mit ungewissem Ausgang? Eine Varietédarbietung, ein Feuerspektakel? Oder einfach nur zwei skurrile Gestalten, die den Gästen den roten Teppich kurzweiliger Lustbarkeit ausrollen?
Basseltan ist stets mittendrin, halb improvisiert, halb bedacht, aber sicher immer: Zeitvertreib!

Basseltan spielen dieses Jahr zu folgenden Zeiten:
Freitag, 06.09., 17:45 Uhr, Theaterbühne
Samstag, 07.09., 20:00 Uhr, Theaterbühne
Sonntag, 08.09., 14:15 Uhr, Theaterbühne

Basseltan war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Beatrice Logo

Beatrice, eine erfahrene Kontakt-Jongleuse, studierte Bühnen- und Kostümbildnerin sowie Theaterpuppenbauerin, entführt ihr Publikum in eine Welt voller Anmut und Faszination. Mit ihrem Talent schafft sie ein einzigartiges Gesamtkunstwerk, das weit über herkömmliche Jonglage hinausgeht, sowohl auf der Bühne als auch in verschiedener Gestalt als Walkact zwischen den Besuchern.

Ihre beeindruckenden Auftritte sind nicht nur von ihrer meisterhaften Jonglierkunst geprägt, sondern auch von der nahtlosen Integration anspruchsvoller Kostüme und handgefertigter Theaterpuppen. Als kreative Bühnen- und Kostümbildnerin sowie Puppenbauerin verleiht sie jeder Performance eine unvergleichliche Ästhetik und erzählt Geschichten auf faszinierende Weise.

Beatrice hat das Privileg genossen, an zahlreichen Festivals und Geschäftsevents teilzunehmen. Auf der Bühne stand sie bereits mit renommierten Musikern wie Faun, Qntal und Omnia. Ihr beeindruckendes Können spiegelt sich auch in Musikvideos von Tanzwut, Faun, Power Wolf, She Hates Emotions und anderen Künstlern wider.

Auf nationaler Ebene wurde Beatrice in Fernsehshows wie "Carmen Nebel" und "Sag die Wahrheit" vorgestellt. Sie war Teil von Fernsehberichten zu bedeutenden Ereignissen wie der Eröffnung der Olympischen Spiele in München 2022. Trotz dieser Erfolge bleibt sie als eine der besten Kontakt-Jongleurinnen und Walk-Acts in Deutschland bodenständig und leidenschaftlich.

Seit vielen Jahren ist Beatrice ein fester Bestandteil des Festival-Mediaval, bei dem sie stets bestrebt ist, ihr verehrtes Publikum mit neuen künstlerischen Ausdrucksformen zu begeistern. Sowohl auf großen Bühnen mit zahlreichen Zuschauern als auch im vertrauten Kontakt mit dem Publikum fühlt sich Beatrice gleichermaßen wohl.

Lasst Euch von Beatrice' fesselnder Performances beim Festival-Mediaval verzaubern.

Beatrice spielen dieses Jahr zu folgenden Zeiten:
Samstag, 07.09., 15:30 Uhr, Theaterbühne
Samstag, 07.09., 16:30 Uhr, Hafenviertel
Samstag, 07.09., 18:00 Uhr - Große Kontaktjonglage-Show

Beatrice war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Beatrice Logo

Beatrice, eine erfahrene Kontakt-Jongleuse, studierte Bühnen- und Kostümbildnerin sowie Theaterpuppenbauerin, entführt ihr Publikum in eine Welt voller Anmut und Faszination. Mit ihrem Talent schafft sie ein einzigartiges Gesamtkunstwerk, das weit über herkömmliche Jonglage hinausgeht, sowohl auf der Bühne als auch in verschiedener Gestalt als Walkact zwischen den Besuchern.

Ihre beeindruckenden Auftritte sind nicht nur von ihrer meisterhaften Jonglierkunst geprägt, sondern auch von der nahtlosen Integration anspruchsvoller Kostüme und handgefertigter Theaterpuppen. Als kreative Bühnen- und Kostümbildnerin sowie Puppenbauerin verleiht sie jeder Performance eine unvergleichliche Ästhetik und erzählt Geschichten auf faszinierende Weise.

Beatrice hat das Privileg genossen, an zahlreichen Festivals und Geschäftsevents teilzunehmen. Auf der Bühne stand sie bereits mit renommierten Musikern wie Faun, Qntal und Omnia. Ihr beeindruckendes Können spiegelt sich auch in Musikvideos von Tanzwut, Faun, Power Wolf, She Hates Emotions und anderen Künstlern wider.

Auf nationaler Ebene wurde Beatrice in Fernsehshows wie "Carmen Nebel" und "Sag die Wahrheit" vorgestellt. Sie war Teil von Fernsehberichten zu bedeutenden Ereignissen wie der Eröffnung der Olympischen Spiele in München 2022. Trotz dieser Erfolge bleibt sie als eine der besten Kontakt-Jongleurinnen und Walk-Acts in Deutschland bodenständig und leidenschaftlich.

Seit vielen Jahren ist Beatrice ein fester Bestandteil des Festival-Mediaval, bei dem sie stets bestrebt ist, ihr verehrtes Publikum mit neuen künstlerischen Ausdrucksformen zu begeistern. Sowohl auf großen Bühnen mit zahlreichen Zuschauern als auch im vertrauten Kontakt mit dem Publikum fühlt sich Beatrice gleichermaßen wohl.

Lasst Euch von Beatrice' fesselnder Performances beim Festival-Mediaval verzaubern.

Beatrice spielen dieses Jahr zu folgenden Zeiten:
Samstag, 07.09., 15:30 Uhr, Theaterbühne
Samstag, 07.09., 16:30 Uhr, Hafenviertel
Samstag, 07.09., 18:00 Uhr - Große Kontaktjonglage-Show

Beatrice war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Die Junge Wanderbühne


Die Junge Wanderbühne war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Die Junge Wanderbühne


Die Junge Wanderbühne war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Die Junge Wanderbühne


Die Junge Wanderbühne war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Die Junge Wanderbühne


Die Junge Wanderbühne war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre Logo
DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre

At medieval markets and fairs, festivals and knight tournaments medieval jesters entertain the audience with jokes and parodies, juggling tricks, interactive comedy and endless humor jokes. The buffoons make the people get absorbed into the Middle Ages and feel the fascination of medieval carnival culture.
"A Jester is a professional clown employed to entertain a king or nobleman in the middle ages. Also referred to as a fool, buffoon or clown. The Medieval jesters of the Middle Ages can be compared to the circus clowns of today. The class of professional court jesters reached its culminating point of influence and recognized place and function in the social organism during the Middle Ages". Medieval and Fire Theatre "DiGrease's Buffoon Theatre" presents re-enactment of medieval jesters in authentic style. We have costumes of jesters of IX...XII cnt. for viking and early-medieval festivals. We have jester's costumes of XIII...XV cnt. for medieval markets. And we have costumes for Renaissance festivals for XVI...XVII cnt.

Acrobats and Actors were important parts of Medieval life. The travelling circus (as we still know it today) originated long before the Middle Ages and was a great source of entertainment, morale and revenue for towns and cities. As most people lacked formal education and could not read, actors were important to portray various roles that told of topical and historical events. "They performed mimes, they tumbled, and they juggled infront of large audiences. They usually travel from town to town and they were only realy available to rich nobles". Our Medieval and Fire Theatre has a wide range of performances which include acrobatic elements. We present our breathtaking acrobatic shows on a medieval festivals. We draw attention of appreciative audience and make the visit of the medieval market unforgettable. And, of course, we can perform at your event.

Perfect jugglers gather huge crowds at the medieval market and entertain the audience with splendid dynamic show and brilliant stunts using medieval instruments for juggling. Jesters lived precariously and often their success depended solely on the mood of their audience. They did not earn high wages but were often allowed a few benefits and luxuries of life inside a castle. "The Medieval Juggler - a medieval juggler was a comic performer who used humour (often bawdy) alongside his juggling skills. A juggler generally only performed in public places such as in market places, in the street and at medieval fairs. To make a living of any kind, a juggler therefore had to rely upon his audience for tips.
Sometimes they will be relying on tips from the public but, unlike in medieval times, they will often be professionally engaged for both public and private function performances".

Stilt walkers:
The stilt walkers, the tallest and the biggest participants of the medieval festival, strike the guests of the event with dexterity and unsurpassed skill of mastering the stilts. The audience will see a large scale of various stilts elements, amazing stunts, comedy turns and dynamic show. Stilt-walking jesters were some of the trickiest personalities of the medieval jesters. They would often trick people into lying on the ground so they could tumble on them, balance on their head on people or do acrobatic tricks by bouncing from one person to another while they are lying on the ground. They were fast and nimble and would often perform their tricks before observers realized what they were up to. These jesters would often perform tricks while swinging on ropes to catch people's attention and lure them into the marketplace to watch them perform. Stilt-walkers also juggled, danced and performed fire breathing tricks.

In Medieval times mysterious people started to penetrate into Europe. Those strangers were eating and breathing fire and shocked crowds by fire walking. Nowadays we know them as fakirs. And "DiGrease's Buffoon Theatre" presents medieval fakirs for any kind of daytime medieval entertainment or darktime fire-performance on medieval market. So let the fire disperse the darkness and warm up the hearts!

Medieval Flag Show:
A Medieval Flag Show was usually in the employ of or hired for a special occasion by royalty and noblemen. Performances took place in the castles and noblemen's homes, before the knight tournaments and official events. The flagman's repertoire comprised of marshing, flag spinning, throwing, dancing, some acrobatics and juggling skills.

Medieval and Fire Theatre "DiGrease's Bufffoon Theatre" presents the brilliantles sphere of medieval theatre history - Medieval Carnival. A carnival is a celebration combining parades, pageantry, folk drama, and feasting. Probably originating in pagan spring fertility rites, carnivals reached a peak of riotous dissipation with the Roman "bacchanalia" and "saturnalia". The carnival tradition still flourishes in Belgium, Italy, France, and West Germany. Pre-Christian, medieval, and modern carnivals share important thematic features. Medieval Carnivals allow parody of, and offer temporary release from, social and religious constraints. For example, slaves were the equals of their masters during the Roman Saturnalia; the medieval feast of fools included a blasphemous mass; and during carnival masquerades sexual and social taboos are sometimes temporarily suspended. Medieval plays tended to focus more on religion, and a dramatic acting style. Some plays were vertually operas; sung in Latin, and acted out by priests, choirboys, and nuns. There were some performances that were comedic in nature, like the Robin Hood plays. Plays were often in open-air courts.

Medieval Fire Show:
Themed fire show in Medieval style with medieval music, arabic belly dance and medieval fakirs. Medieval fire performance suits in the best way to medieval festivals, medieval markets, renaissance fairys, living role playing games, etc.

DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre Logo
DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre

At medieval markets and fairs, festivals and knight tournaments medieval jesters entertain the audience with jokes and parodies, juggling tricks, interactive comedy and endless humor jokes. The buffoons make the people get absorbed into the Middle Ages and feel the fascination of medieval carnival culture.
"A Jester is a professional clown employed to entertain a king or nobleman in the middle ages. Also referred to as a fool, buffoon or clown. The Medieval jesters of the Middle Ages can be compared to the circus clowns of today. The class of professional court jesters reached its culminating point of influence and recognized place and function in the social organism during the Middle Ages". Medieval and Fire Theatre "DiGrease's Buffoon Theatre" presents re-enactment of medieval jesters in authentic style. We have costumes of jesters of IX...XII cnt. for viking and early-medieval festivals. We have jester's costumes of XIII...XV cnt. for medieval markets. And we have costumes for Renaissance festivals for XVI...XVII cnt.

Acrobats and Actors were important parts of Medieval life. The travelling circus (as we still know it today) originated long before the Middle Ages and was a great source of entertainment, morale and revenue for towns and cities. As most people lacked formal education and could not read, actors were important to portray various roles that told of topical and historical events. "They performed mimes, they tumbled, and they juggled infront of large audiences. They usually travel from town to town and they were only realy available to rich nobles". Our Medieval and Fire Theatre has a wide range of performances which include acrobatic elements. We present our breathtaking acrobatic shows on a medieval festivals. We draw attention of appreciative audience and make the visit of the medieval market unforgettable. And, of course, we can perform at your event.

Perfect jugglers gather huge crowds at the medieval market and entertain the audience with splendid dynamic show and brilliant stunts using medieval instruments for juggling. Jesters lived precariously and often their success depended solely on the mood of their audience. They did not earn high wages but were often allowed a few benefits and luxuries of life inside a castle. "The Medieval Juggler - a medieval juggler was a comic performer who used humour (often bawdy) alongside his juggling skills. A juggler generally only performed in public places such as in market places, in the street and at medieval fairs. To make a living of any kind, a juggler therefore had to rely upon his audience for tips.
Sometimes they will be relying on tips from the public but, unlike in medieval times, they will often be professionally engaged for both public and private function performances".

Stilt walkers:
The stilt walkers, the tallest and the biggest participants of the medieval festival, strike the guests of the event with dexterity and unsurpassed skill of mastering the stilts. The audience will see a large scale of various stilts elements, amazing stunts, comedy turns and dynamic show. Stilt-walking jesters were some of the trickiest personalities of the medieval jesters. They would often trick people into lying on the ground so they could tumble on them, balance on their head on people or do acrobatic tricks by bouncing from one person to another while they are lying on the ground. They were fast and nimble and would often perform their tricks before observers realized what they were up to. These jesters would often perform tricks while swinging on ropes to catch people's attention and lure them into the marketplace to watch them perform. Stilt-walkers also juggled, danced and performed fire breathing tricks.

In Medieval times mysterious people started to penetrate into Europe. Those strangers were eating and breathing fire and shocked crowds by fire walking. Nowadays we know them as fakirs. And "DiGrease's Buffoon Theatre" presents medieval fakirs for any kind of daytime medieval entertainment or darktime fire-performance on medieval market. So let the fire disperse the darkness and warm up the hearts!

Medieval Flag Show:
A Medieval Flag Show was usually in the employ of or hired for a special occasion by royalty and noblemen. Performances took place in the castles and noblemen's homes, before the knight tournaments and official events. The flagman's repertoire comprised of marshing, flag spinning, throwing, dancing, some acrobatics and juggling skills.

Medieval and Fire Theatre "DiGrease's Bufffoon Theatre" presents the brilliantles sphere of medieval theatre history - Medieval Carnival. A carnival is a celebration combining parades, pageantry, folk drama, and feasting. Probably originating in pagan spring fertility rites, carnivals reached a peak of riotous dissipation with the Roman "bacchanalia" and "saturnalia". The carnival tradition still flourishes in Belgium, Italy, France, and West Germany. Pre-Christian, medieval, and modern carnivals share important thematic features. Medieval Carnivals allow parody of, and offer temporary release from, social and religious constraints. For example, slaves were the equals of their masters during the Roman Saturnalia; the medieval feast of fools included a blasphemous mass; and during carnival masquerades sexual and social taboos are sometimes temporarily suspended. Medieval plays tended to focus more on religion, and a dramatic acting style. Some plays were vertually operas; sung in Latin, and acted out by priests, choirboys, and nuns. There were some performances that were comedic in nature, like the Robin Hood plays. Plays were often in open-air courts.

Medieval Fire Show:
Themed fire show in Medieval style with medieval music, arabic belly dance and medieval fakirs. Medieval fire performance suits in the best way to medieval festivals, medieval markets, renaissance fairys, living role playing games, etc.

DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre Logo
DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre

At medieval markets and fairs, festivals and knight tournaments medieval jesters entertain the audience with jokes and parodies, juggling tricks, interactive comedy and endless humor jokes. The buffoons make the people get absorbed into the Middle Ages and feel the fascination of medieval carnival culture.
"A Jester is a professional clown employed to entertain a king or nobleman in the middle ages. Also referred to as a fool, buffoon or clown. The Medieval jesters of the Middle Ages can be compared to the circus clowns of today. The class of professional court jesters reached its culminating point of influence and recognized place and function in the social organism during the Middle Ages". Medieval and Fire Theatre "DiGrease's Buffoon Theatre" presents re-enactment of medieval jesters in authentic style. We have costumes of jesters of IX...XII cnt. for viking and early-medieval festivals. We have jester's costumes of XIII...XV cnt. for medieval markets. And we have costumes for Renaissance festivals for XVI...XVII cnt.

Acrobats and Actors were important parts of Medieval life. The travelling circus (as we still know it today) originated long before the Middle Ages and was a great source of entertainment, morale and revenue for towns and cities. As most people lacked formal education and could not read, actors were important to portray various roles that told of topical and historical events. "They performed mimes, they tumbled, and they juggled infront of large audiences. They usually travel from town to town and they were only realy available to rich nobles". Our Medieval and Fire Theatre has a wide range of performances which include acrobatic elements. We present our breathtaking acrobatic shows on a medieval festivals. We draw attention of appreciative audience and make the visit of the medieval market unforgettable. And, of course, we can perform at your event.

Perfect jugglers gather huge crowds at the medieval market and entertain the audience with splendid dynamic show and brilliant stunts using medieval instruments for juggling. Jesters lived precariously and often their success depended solely on the mood of their audience. They did not earn high wages but were often allowed a few benefits and luxuries of life inside a castle. "The Medieval Juggler - a medieval juggler was a comic performer who used humour (often bawdy) alongside his juggling skills. A juggler generally only performed in public places such as in market places, in the street and at medieval fairs. To make a living of any kind, a juggler therefore had to rely upon his audience for tips.
Sometimes they will be relying on tips from the public but, unlike in medieval times, they will often be professionally engaged for both public and private function performances".

Stilt walkers:
The stilt walkers, the tallest and the biggest participants of the medieval festival, strike the guests of the event with dexterity and unsurpassed skill of mastering the stilts. The audience will see a large scale of various stilts elements, amazing stunts, comedy turns and dynamic show. Stilt-walking jesters were some of the trickiest personalities of the medieval jesters. They would often trick people into lying on the ground so they could tumble on them, balance on their head on people or do acrobatic tricks by bouncing from one person to another while they are lying on the ground. They were fast and nimble and would often perform their tricks before observers realized what they were up to. These jesters would often perform tricks while swinging on ropes to catch people's attention and lure them into the marketplace to watch them perform. Stilt-walkers also juggled, danced and performed fire breathing tricks.

In Medieval times mysterious people started to penetrate into Europe. Those strangers were eating and breathing fire and shocked crowds by fire walking. Nowadays we know them as fakirs. And "DiGrease's Buffoon Theatre" presents medieval fakirs for any kind of daytime medieval entertainment or darktime fire-performance on medieval market. So let the fire disperse the darkness and warm up the hearts!

Medieval Flag Show:
A Medieval Flag Show was usually in the employ of or hired for a special occasion by royalty and noblemen. Performances took place in the castles and noblemen's homes, before the knight tournaments and official events. The flagman's repertoire comprised of marshing, flag spinning, throwing, dancing, some acrobatics and juggling skills.

Medieval and Fire Theatre "DiGrease's Bufffoon Theatre" presents the brilliantles sphere of medieval theatre history - Medieval Carnival. A carnival is a celebration combining parades, pageantry, folk drama, and feasting. Probably originating in pagan spring fertility rites, carnivals reached a peak of riotous dissipation with the Roman "bacchanalia" and "saturnalia". The carnival tradition still flourishes in Belgium, Italy, France, and West Germany. Pre-Christian, medieval, and modern carnivals share important thematic features. Medieval Carnivals allow parody of, and offer temporary release from, social and religious constraints. For example, slaves were the equals of their masters during the Roman Saturnalia; the medieval feast of fools included a blasphemous mass; and during carnival masquerades sexual and social taboos are sometimes temporarily suspended. Medieval plays tended to focus more on religion, and a dramatic acting style. Some plays were vertually operas; sung in Latin, and acted out by priests, choirboys, and nuns. There were some performances that were comedic in nature, like the Robin Hood plays. Plays were often in open-air courts.

Medieval Fire Show:
Themed fire show in Medieval style with medieval music, arabic belly dance and medieval fakirs. Medieval fire performance suits in the best way to medieval festivals, medieval markets, renaissance fairys, living role playing games, etc.

DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre Logo
DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre

At medieval markets and fairs, festivals and knight tournaments medieval jesters entertain the audience with jokes and parodies, juggling tricks, interactive comedy and endless humor jokes. The buffoons make the people get absorbed into the Middle Ages and feel the fascination of medieval carnival culture.
"A Jester is a professional clown employed to entertain a king or nobleman in the middle ages. Also referred to as a fool, buffoon or clown. The Medieval jesters of the Middle Ages can be compared to the circus clowns of today. The class of professional court jesters reached its culminating point of influence and recognized place and function in the social organism during the Middle Ages". Medieval and Fire Theatre "DiGrease's Buffoon Theatre" presents re-enactment of medieval jesters in authentic style. We have costumes of jesters of IX...XII cnt. for viking and early-medieval festivals. We have jester's costumes of XIII...XV cnt. for medieval markets. And we have costumes for Renaissance festivals for XVI...XVII cnt.

Acrobats and Actors were important parts of Medieval life. The travelling circus (as we still know it today) originated long before the Middle Ages and was a great source of entertainment, morale and revenue for towns and cities. As most people lacked formal education and could not read, actors were important to portray various roles that told of topical and historical events. "They performed mimes, they tumbled, and they juggled infront of large audiences. They usually travel from town to town and they were only realy available to rich nobles". Our Medieval and Fire Theatre has a wide range of performances which include acrobatic elements. We present our breathtaking acrobatic shows on a medieval festivals. We draw attention of appreciative audience and make the visit of the medieval market unforgettable. And, of course, we can perform at your event.

Perfect jugglers gather huge crowds at the medieval market and entertain the audience with splendid dynamic show and brilliant stunts using medieval instruments for juggling. Jesters lived precariously and often their success depended solely on the mood of their audience. They did not earn high wages but were often allowed a few benefits and luxuries of life inside a castle. "The Medieval Juggler - a medieval juggler was a comic performer who used humour (often bawdy) alongside his juggling skills. A juggler generally only performed in public places such as in market places, in the street and at medieval fairs. To make a living of any kind, a juggler therefore had to rely upon his audience for tips.
Sometimes they will be relying on tips from the public but, unlike in medieval times, they will often be professionally engaged for both public and private function performances".

Stilt walkers:
The stilt walkers, the tallest and the biggest participants of the medieval festival, strike the guests of the event with dexterity and unsurpassed skill of mastering the stilts. The audience will see a large scale of various stilts elements, amazing stunts, comedy turns and dynamic show. Stilt-walking jesters were some of the trickiest personalities of the medieval jesters. They would often trick people into lying on the ground so they could tumble on them, balance on their head on people or do acrobatic tricks by bouncing from one person to another while they are lying on the ground. They were fast and nimble and would often perform their tricks before observers realized what they were up to. These jesters would often perform tricks while swinging on ropes to catch people's attention and lure them into the marketplace to watch them perform. Stilt-walkers also juggled, danced and performed fire breathing tricks.

In Medieval times mysterious people started to penetrate into Europe. Those strangers were eating and breathing fire and shocked crowds by fire walking. Nowadays we know them as fakirs. And "DiGrease's Buffoon Theatre" presents medieval fakirs for any kind of daytime medieval entertainment or darktime fire-performance on medieval market. So let the fire disperse the darkness and warm up the hearts!

Medieval Flag Show:
A Medieval Flag Show was usually in the employ of or hired for a special occasion by royalty and noblemen. Performances took place in the castles and noblemen's homes, before the knight tournaments and official events. The flagman's repertoire comprised of marshing, flag spinning, throwing, dancing, some acrobatics and juggling skills.

Medieval and Fire Theatre "DiGrease's Bufffoon Theatre" presents the brilliantles sphere of medieval theatre history - Medieval Carnival. A carnival is a celebration combining parades, pageantry, folk drama, and feasting. Probably originating in pagan spring fertility rites, carnivals reached a peak of riotous dissipation with the Roman "bacchanalia" and "saturnalia". The carnival tradition still flourishes in Belgium, Italy, France, and West Germany. Pre-Christian, medieval, and modern carnivals share important thematic features. Medieval Carnivals allow parody of, and offer temporary release from, social and religious constraints. For example, slaves were the equals of their masters during the Roman Saturnalia; the medieval feast of fools included a blasphemous mass; and during carnival masquerades sexual and social taboos are sometimes temporarily suspended. Medieval plays tended to focus more on religion, and a dramatic acting style. Some plays were vertually operas; sung in Latin, and acted out by priests, choirboys, and nuns. There were some performances that were comedic in nature, like the Robin Hood plays. Plays were often in open-air courts.

Medieval Fire Show:
Themed fire show in Medieval style with medieval music, arabic belly dance and medieval fakirs. Medieval fire performance suits in the best way to medieval festivals, medieval markets, renaissance fairys, living role playing games, etc.

DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre Logo
DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre

At medieval markets and fairs, festivals and knight tournaments medieval jesters entertain the audience with jokes and parodies, juggling tricks, interactive comedy and endless humor jokes. The buffoons make the people get absorbed into the Middle Ages and feel the fascination of medieval carnival culture.
"A Jester is a professional clown employed to entertain a king or nobleman in the middle ages. Also referred to as a fool, buffoon or clown. The Medieval jesters of the Middle Ages can be compared to the circus clowns of today. The class of professional court jesters reached its culminating point of influence and recognized place and function in the social organism during the Middle Ages". Medieval and Fire Theatre "DiGrease's Buffoon Theatre" presents re-enactment of medieval jesters in authentic style. We have costumes of jesters of IX...XII cnt. for viking and early-medieval festivals. We have jester's costumes of XIII...XV cnt. for medieval markets. And we have costumes for Renaissance festivals for XVI...XVII cnt.

Acrobats and Actors were important parts of Medieval life. The travelling circus (as we still know it today) originated long before the Middle Ages and was a great source of entertainment, morale and revenue for towns and cities. As most people lacked formal education and could not read, actors were important to portray various roles that told of topical and historical events. "They performed mimes, they tumbled, and they juggled infront of large audiences. They usually travel from town to town and they were only realy available to rich nobles". Our Medieval and Fire Theatre has a wide range of performances which include acrobatic elements. We present our breathtaking acrobatic shows on a medieval festivals. We draw attention of appreciative audience and make the visit of the medieval market unforgettable. And, of course, we can perform at your event.

Perfect jugglers gather huge crowds at the medieval market and entertain the audience with splendid dynamic show and brilliant stunts using medieval instruments for juggling. Jesters lived precariously and often their success depended solely on the mood of their audience. They did not earn high wages but were often allowed a few benefits and luxuries of life inside a castle. "The Medieval Juggler - a medieval juggler was a comic performer who used humour (often bawdy) alongside his juggling skills. A juggler generally only performed in public places such as in market places, in the street and at medieval fairs. To make a living of any kind, a juggler therefore had to rely upon his audience for tips.
Sometimes they will be relying on tips from the public but, unlike in medieval times, they will often be professionally engaged for both public and private function performances".

Stilt walkers:
The stilt walkers, the tallest and the biggest participants of the medieval festival, strike the guests of the event with dexterity and unsurpassed skill of mastering the stilts. The audience will see a large scale of various stilts elements, amazing stunts, comedy turns and dynamic show. Stilt-walking jesters were some of the trickiest personalities of the medieval jesters. They would often trick people into lying on the ground so they could tumble on them, balance on their head on people or do acrobatic tricks by bouncing from one person to another while they are lying on the ground. They were fast and nimble and would often perform their tricks before observers realized what they were up to. These jesters would often perform tricks while swinging on ropes to catch people's attention and lure them into the marketplace to watch them perform. Stilt-walkers also juggled, danced and performed fire breathing tricks.

In Medieval times mysterious people started to penetrate into Europe. Those strangers were eating and breathing fire and shocked crowds by fire walking. Nowadays we know them as fakirs. And "DiGrease's Buffoon Theatre" presents medieval fakirs for any kind of daytime medieval entertainment or darktime fire-performance on medieval market. So let the fire disperse the darkness and warm up the hearts!

Medieval Flag Show:
A Medieval Flag Show was usually in the employ of or hired for a special occasion by royalty and noblemen. Performances took place in the castles and noblemen's homes, before the knight tournaments and official events. The flagman's repertoire comprised of marshing, flag spinning, throwing, dancing, some acrobatics and juggling skills.

Medieval and Fire Theatre "DiGrease's Bufffoon Theatre" presents the brilliantles sphere of medieval theatre history - Medieval Carnival. A carnival is a celebration combining parades, pageantry, folk drama, and feasting. Probably originating in pagan spring fertility rites, carnivals reached a peak of riotous dissipation with the Roman "bacchanalia" and "saturnalia". The carnival tradition still flourishes in Belgium, Italy, France, and West Germany. Pre-Christian, medieval, and modern carnivals share important thematic features. Medieval Carnivals allow parody of, and offer temporary release from, social and religious constraints. For example, slaves were the equals of their masters during the Roman Saturnalia; the medieval feast of fools included a blasphemous mass; and during carnival masquerades sexual and social taboos are sometimes temporarily suspended. Medieval plays tended to focus more on religion, and a dramatic acting style. Some plays were vertually operas; sung in Latin, and acted out by priests, choirboys, and nuns. There were some performances that were comedic in nature, like the Robin Hood plays. Plays were often in open-air courts.

Medieval Fire Show:
Themed fire show in Medieval style with medieval music, arabic belly dance and medieval fakirs. Medieval fire performance suits in the best way to medieval festivals, medieval markets, renaissance fairys, living role playing games, etc.

DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre Logo
DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre

At medieval markets and fairs, festivals and knight tournaments medieval jesters entertain the audience with jokes and parodies, juggling tricks, interactive comedy and endless humor jokes. The buffoons make the people get absorbed into the Middle Ages and feel the fascination of medieval carnival culture.
"A Jester is a professional clown employed to entertain a king or nobleman in the middle ages. Also referred to as a fool, buffoon or clown. The Medieval jesters of the Middle Ages can be compared to the circus clowns of today. The class of professional court jesters reached its culminating point of influence and recognized place and function in the social organism during the Middle Ages". Medieval and Fire Theatre "DiGrease's Buffoon Theatre" presents re-enactment of medieval jesters in authentic style. We have costumes of jesters of IX...XII cnt. for viking and early-medieval festivals. We have jester's costumes of XIII...XV cnt. for medieval markets. And we have costumes for Renaissance festivals for XVI...XVII cnt.

Acrobats and Actors were important parts of Medieval life. The travelling circus (as we still know it today) originated long before the Middle Ages and was a great source of entertainment, morale and revenue for towns and cities. As most people lacked formal education and could not read, actors were important to portray various roles that told of topical and historical events. "They performed mimes, they tumbled, and they juggled infront of large audiences. They usually travel from town to town and they were only realy available to rich nobles". Our Medieval and Fire Theatre has a wide range of performances which include acrobatic elements. We present our breathtaking acrobatic shows on a medieval festivals. We draw attention of appreciative audience and make the visit of the medieval market unforgettable. And, of course, we can perform at your event.

Perfect jugglers gather huge crowds at the medieval market and entertain the audience with splendid dynamic show and brilliant stunts using medieval instruments for juggling. Jesters lived precariously and often their success depended solely on the mood of their audience. They did not earn high wages but were often allowed a few benefits and luxuries of life inside a castle. "The Medieval Juggler - a medieval juggler was a comic performer who used humour (often bawdy) alongside his juggling skills. A juggler generally only performed in public places such as in market places, in the street and at medieval fairs. To make a living of any kind, a juggler therefore had to rely upon his audience for tips.
Sometimes they will be relying on tips from the public but, unlike in medieval times, they will often be professionally engaged for both public and private function performances".

Stilt walkers:
The stilt walkers, the tallest and the biggest participants of the medieval festival, strike the guests of the event with dexterity and unsurpassed skill of mastering the stilts. The audience will see a large scale of various stilts elements, amazing stunts, comedy turns and dynamic show. Stilt-walking jesters were some of the trickiest personalities of the medieval jesters. They would often trick people into lying on the ground so they could tumble on them, balance on their head on people or do acrobatic tricks by bouncing from one person to another while they are lying on the ground. They were fast and nimble and would often perform their tricks before observers realized what they were up to. These jesters would often perform tricks while swinging on ropes to catch people's attention and lure them into the marketplace to watch them perform. Stilt-walkers also juggled, danced and performed fire breathing tricks.

In Medieval times mysterious people started to penetrate into Europe. Those strangers were eating and breathing fire and shocked crowds by fire walking. Nowadays we know them as fakirs. And "DiGrease's Buffoon Theatre" presents medieval fakirs for any kind of daytime medieval entertainment or darktime fire-performance on medieval market. So let the fire disperse the darkness and warm up the hearts!

Medieval Flag Show:
A Medieval Flag Show was usually in the employ of or hired for a special occasion by royalty and noblemen. Performances took place in the castles and noblemen's homes, before the knight tournaments and official events. The flagman's repertoire comprised of marshing, flag spinning, throwing, dancing, some acrobatics and juggling skills.

Medieval and Fire Theatre "DiGrease's Bufffoon Theatre" presents the brilliantles sphere of medieval theatre history - Medieval Carnival. A carnival is a celebration combining parades, pageantry, folk drama, and feasting. Probably originating in pagan spring fertility rites, carnivals reached a peak of riotous dissipation with the Roman "bacchanalia" and "saturnalia". The carnival tradition still flourishes in Belgium, Italy, France, and West Germany. Pre-Christian, medieval, and modern carnivals share important thematic features. Medieval Carnivals allow parody of, and offer temporary release from, social and religious constraints. For example, slaves were the equals of their masters during the Roman Saturnalia; the medieval feast of fools included a blasphemous mass; and during carnival masquerades sexual and social taboos are sometimes temporarily suspended. Medieval plays tended to focus more on religion, and a dramatic acting style. Some plays were vertually operas; sung in Latin, and acted out by priests, choirboys, and nuns. There were some performances that were comedic in nature, like the Robin Hood plays. Plays were often in open-air courts.

Medieval Fire Show:
Themed fire show in Medieval style with medieval music, arabic belly dance and medieval fakirs. Medieval fire performance suits in the best way to medieval festivals, medieval markets, renaissance fairys, living role playing games, etc.

DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre Logo
DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre

At medieval markets and fairs, festivals and knight tournaments medieval jesters entertain the audience with jokes and parodies, juggling tricks, interactive comedy and endless humor jokes. The buffoons make the people get absorbed into the Middle Ages and feel the fascination of medieval carnival culture.
"A Jester is a professional clown employed to entertain a king or nobleman in the middle ages. Also referred to as a fool, buffoon or clown. The Medieval jesters of the Middle Ages can be compared to the circus clowns of today. The class of professional court jesters reached its culminating point of influence and recognized place and function in the social organism during the Middle Ages". Medieval and Fire Theatre "DiGrease's Buffoon Theatre" presents re-enactment of medieval jesters in authentic style. We have costumes of jesters of IX...XII cnt. for viking and early-medieval festivals. We have jester's costumes of XIII...XV cnt. for medieval markets. And we have costumes for Renaissance festivals for XVI...XVII cnt.

Acrobats and Actors were important parts of Medieval life. The travelling circus (as we still know it today) originated long before the Middle Ages and was a great source of entertainment, morale and revenue for towns and cities. As most people lacked formal education and could not read, actors were important to portray various roles that told of topical and historical events. "They performed mimes, they tumbled, and they juggled infront of large audiences. They usually travel from town to town and they were only realy available to rich nobles". Our Medieval and Fire Theatre has a wide range of performances which include acrobatic elements. We present our breathtaking acrobatic shows on a medieval festivals. We draw attention of appreciative audience and make the visit of the medieval market unforgettable. And, of course, we can perform at your event.

Perfect jugglers gather huge crowds at the medieval market and entertain the audience with splendid dynamic show and brilliant stunts using medieval instruments for juggling. Jesters lived precariously and often their success depended solely on the mood of their audience. They did not earn high wages but were often allowed a few benefits and luxuries of life inside a castle. "The Medieval Juggler - a medieval juggler was a comic performer who used humour (often bawdy) alongside his juggling skills. A juggler generally only performed in public places such as in market places, in the street and at medieval fairs. To make a living of any kind, a juggler therefore had to rely upon his audience for tips.
Sometimes they will be relying on tips from the public but, unlike in medieval times, they will often be professionally engaged for both public and private function performances".

Stilt walkers:
The stilt walkers, the tallest and the biggest participants of the medieval festival, strike the guests of the event with dexterity and unsurpassed skill of mastering the stilts. The audience will see a large scale of various stilts elements, amazing stunts, comedy turns and dynamic show. Stilt-walking jesters were some of the trickiest personalities of the medieval jesters. They would often trick people into lying on the ground so they could tumble on them, balance on their head on people or do acrobatic tricks by bouncing from one person to another while they are lying on the ground. They were fast and nimble and would often perform their tricks before observers realized what they were up to. These jesters would often perform tricks while swinging on ropes to catch people's attention and lure them into the marketplace to watch them perform. Stilt-walkers also juggled, danced and performed fire breathing tricks.

In Medieval times mysterious people started to penetrate into Europe. Those strangers were eating and breathing fire and shocked crowds by fire walking. Nowadays we know them as fakirs. And "DiGrease's Buffoon Theatre" presents medieval fakirs for any kind of daytime medieval entertainment or darktime fire-performance on medieval market. So let the fire disperse the darkness and warm up the hearts!

Medieval Flag Show:
A Medieval Flag Show was usually in the employ of or hired for a special occasion by royalty and noblemen. Performances took place in the castles and noblemen's homes, before the knight tournaments and official events. The flagman's repertoire comprised of marshing, flag spinning, throwing, dancing, some acrobatics and juggling skills.

Medieval and Fire Theatre "DiGrease's Bufffoon Theatre" presents the brilliantles sphere of medieval theatre history - Medieval Carnival. A carnival is a celebration combining parades, pageantry, folk drama, and feasting. Probably originating in pagan spring fertility rites, carnivals reached a peak of riotous dissipation with the Roman "bacchanalia" and "saturnalia". The carnival tradition still flourishes in Belgium, Italy, France, and West Germany. Pre-Christian, medieval, and modern carnivals share important thematic features. Medieval Carnivals allow parody of, and offer temporary release from, social and religious constraints. For example, slaves were the equals of their masters during the Roman Saturnalia; the medieval feast of fools included a blasphemous mass; and during carnival masquerades sexual and social taboos are sometimes temporarily suspended. Medieval plays tended to focus more on religion, and a dramatic acting style. Some plays were vertually operas; sung in Latin, and acted out by priests, choirboys, and nuns. There were some performances that were comedic in nature, like the Robin Hood plays. Plays were often in open-air courts.

Medieval Fire Show:
Themed fire show in Medieval style with medieval music, arabic belly dance and medieval fakirs. Medieval fire performance suits in the best way to medieval festivals, medieval markets, renaissance fairys, living role playing games, etc.

DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre Logo
DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre

At medieval markets and fairs, festivals and knight tournaments medieval jesters entertain the audience with jokes and parodies, juggling tricks, interactive comedy and endless humor jokes. The buffoons make the people get absorbed into the Middle Ages and feel the fascination of medieval carnival culture.
"A Jester is a professional clown employed to entertain a king or nobleman in the middle ages. Also referred to as a fool, buffoon or clown. The Medieval jesters of the Middle Ages can be compared to the circus clowns of today. The class of professional court jesters reached its culminating point of influence and recognized place and function in the social organism during the Middle Ages". Medieval and Fire Theatre "DiGrease's Buffoon Theatre" presents re-enactment of medieval jesters in authentic style. We have costumes of jesters of IX...XII cnt. for viking and early-medieval festivals. We have jester's costumes of XIII...XV cnt. for medieval markets. And we have costumes for Renaissance festivals for XVI...XVII cnt.

Acrobats and Actors were important parts of Medieval life. The travelling circus (as we still know it today) originated long before the Middle Ages and was a great source of entertainment, morale and revenue for towns and cities. As most people lacked formal education and could not read, actors were important to portray various roles that told of topical and historical events. "They performed mimes, they tumbled, and they juggled infront of large audiences. They usually travel from town to town and they were only realy available to rich nobles". Our Medieval and Fire Theatre has a wide range of performances which include acrobatic elements. We present our breathtaking acrobatic shows on a medieval festivals. We draw attention of appreciative audience and make the visit of the medieval market unforgettable. And, of course, we can perform at your event.

Perfect jugglers gather huge crowds at the medieval market and entertain the audience with splendid dynamic show and brilliant stunts using medieval instruments for juggling. Jesters lived precariously and often their success depended solely on the mood of their audience. They did not earn high wages but were often allowed a few benefits and luxuries of life inside a castle. "The Medieval Juggler - a medieval juggler was a comic performer who used humour (often bawdy) alongside his juggling skills. A juggler generally only performed in public places such as in market places, in the street and at medieval fairs. To make a living of any kind, a juggler therefore had to rely upon his audience for tips.
Sometimes they will be relying on tips from the public but, unlike in medieval times, they will often be professionally engaged for both public and private function performances".

Stilt walkers:
The stilt walkers, the tallest and the biggest participants of the medieval festival, strike the guests of the event with dexterity and unsurpassed skill of mastering the stilts. The audience will see a large scale of various stilts elements, amazing stunts, comedy turns and dynamic show. Stilt-walking jesters were some of the trickiest personalities of the medieval jesters. They would often trick people into lying on the ground so they could tumble on them, balance on their head on people or do acrobatic tricks by bouncing from one person to another while they are lying on the ground. They were fast and nimble and would often perform their tricks before observers realized what they were up to. These jesters would often perform tricks while swinging on ropes to catch people's attention and lure them into the marketplace to watch them perform. Stilt-walkers also juggled, danced and performed fire breathing tricks.

In Medieval times mysterious people started to penetrate into Europe. Those strangers were eating and breathing fire and shocked crowds by fire walking. Nowadays we know them as fakirs. And "DiGrease's Buffoon Theatre" presents medieval fakirs for any kind of daytime medieval entertainment or darktime fire-performance on medieval market. So let the fire disperse the darkness and warm up the hearts!

Medieval Flag Show:
A Medieval Flag Show was usually in the employ of or hired for a special occasion by royalty and noblemen. Performances took place in the castles and noblemen's homes, before the knight tournaments and official events. The flagman's repertoire comprised of marshing, flag spinning, throwing, dancing, some acrobatics and juggling skills.

Medieval and Fire Theatre "DiGrease's Bufffoon Theatre" presents the brilliantles sphere of medieval theatre history - Medieval Carnival. A carnival is a celebration combining parades, pageantry, folk drama, and feasting. Probably originating in pagan spring fertility rites, carnivals reached a peak of riotous dissipation with the Roman "bacchanalia" and "saturnalia". The carnival tradition still flourishes in Belgium, Italy, France, and West Germany. Pre-Christian, medieval, and modern carnivals share important thematic features. Medieval Carnivals allow parody of, and offer temporary release from, social and religious constraints. For example, slaves were the equals of their masters during the Roman Saturnalia; the medieval feast of fools included a blasphemous mass; and during carnival masquerades sexual and social taboos are sometimes temporarily suspended. Medieval plays tended to focus more on religion, and a dramatic acting style. Some plays were vertually operas; sung in Latin, and acted out by priests, choirboys, and nuns. There were some performances that were comedic in nature, like the Robin Hood plays. Plays were often in open-air courts.

Medieval Fire Show:
Themed fire show in Medieval style with medieval music, arabic belly dance and medieval fakirs. Medieval fire performance suits in the best way to medieval festivals, medieval markets, renaissance fairys, living role playing games, etc.

DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre Logo
DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre

At medieval markets and fairs, festivals and knight tournaments medieval jesters entertain the audience with jokes and parodies, juggling tricks, interactive comedy and endless humor jokes. The buffoons make the people get absorbed into the Middle Ages and feel the fascination of medieval carnival culture.
"A Jester is a professional clown employed to entertain a king or nobleman in the middle ages. Also referred to as a fool, buffoon or clown. The Medieval jesters of the Middle Ages can be compared to the circus clowns of today. The class of professional court jesters reached its culminating point of influence and recognized place and function in the social organism during the Middle Ages". Medieval and Fire Theatre "DiGrease's Buffoon Theatre" presents re-enactment of medieval jesters in authentic style. We have costumes of jesters of IX...XII cnt. for viking and early-medieval festivals. We have jester's costumes of XIII...XV cnt. for medieval markets. And we have costumes for Renaissance festivals for XVI...XVII cnt.

Acrobats and Actors were important parts of Medieval life. The travelling circus (as we still know it today) originated long before the Middle Ages and was a great source of entertainment, morale and revenue for towns and cities. As most people lacked formal education and could not read, actors were important to portray various roles that told of topical and historical events. "They performed mimes, they tumbled, and they juggled infront of large audiences. They usually travel from town to town and they were only realy available to rich nobles". Our Medieval and Fire Theatre has a wide range of performances which include acrobatic elements. We present our breathtaking acrobatic shows on a medieval festivals. We draw attention of appreciative audience and make the visit of the medieval market unforgettable. And, of course, we can perform at your event.

Perfect jugglers gather huge crowds at the medieval market and entertain the audience with splendid dynamic show and brilliant stunts using medieval instruments for juggling. Jesters lived precariously and often their success depended solely on the mood of their audience. They did not earn high wages but were often allowed a few benefits and luxuries of life inside a castle. "The Medieval Juggler - a medieval juggler was a comic performer who used humour (often bawdy) alongside his juggling skills. A juggler generally only performed in public places such as in market places, in the street and at medieval fairs. To make a living of any kind, a juggler therefore had to rely upon his audience for tips.
Sometimes they will be relying on tips from the public but, unlike in medieval times, they will often be professionally engaged for both public and private function performances".

Stilt walkers:
The stilt walkers, the tallest and the biggest participants of the medieval festival, strike the guests of the event with dexterity and unsurpassed skill of mastering the stilts. The audience will see a large scale of various stilts elements, amazing stunts, comedy turns and dynamic show. Stilt-walking jesters were some of the trickiest personalities of the medieval jesters. They would often trick people into lying on the ground so they could tumble on them, balance on their head on people or do acrobatic tricks by bouncing from one person to another while they are lying on the ground. They were fast and nimble and would often perform their tricks before observers realized what they were up to. These jesters would often perform tricks while swinging on ropes to catch people's attention and lure them into the marketplace to watch them perform. Stilt-walkers also juggled, danced and performed fire breathing tricks.

In Medieval times mysterious people started to penetrate into Europe. Those strangers were eating and breathing fire and shocked crowds by fire walking. Nowadays we know them as fakirs. And "DiGrease's Buffoon Theatre" presents medieval fakirs for any kind of daytime medieval entertainment or darktime fire-performance on medieval market. So let the fire disperse the darkness and warm up the hearts!

Medieval Flag Show:
A Medieval Flag Show was usually in the employ of or hired for a special occasion by royalty and noblemen. Performances took place in the castles and noblemen's homes, before the knight tournaments and official events. The flagman's repertoire comprised of marshing, flag spinning, throwing, dancing, some acrobatics and juggling skills.

Medieval and Fire Theatre "DiGrease's Bufffoon Theatre" presents the brilliantles sphere of medieval theatre history - Medieval Carnival. A carnival is a celebration combining parades, pageantry, folk drama, and feasting. Probably originating in pagan spring fertility rites, carnivals reached a peak of riotous dissipation with the Roman "bacchanalia" and "saturnalia". The carnival tradition still flourishes in Belgium, Italy, France, and West Germany. Pre-Christian, medieval, and modern carnivals share important thematic features. Medieval Carnivals allow parody of, and offer temporary release from, social and religious constraints. For example, slaves were the equals of their masters during the Roman Saturnalia; the medieval feast of fools included a blasphemous mass; and during carnival masquerades sexual and social taboos are sometimes temporarily suspended. Medieval plays tended to focus more on religion, and a dramatic acting style. Some plays were vertually operas; sung in Latin, and acted out by priests, choirboys, and nuns. There were some performances that were comedic in nature, like the Robin Hood plays. Plays were often in open-air courts.

Medieval Fire Show:
Themed fire show in Medieval style with medieval music, arabic belly dance and medieval fakirs. Medieval fire performance suits in the best way to medieval festivals, medieval markets, renaissance fairys, living role playing games, etc.

DiGrease’s Buffoon Theatre war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval

Eisenhans lässt die traditionelle Strongman Show in neuem Gewand auferstehen - mit viel Charme und einem Augenzwinkern. Zum einen beherrscht er jene schieren Kraftakte, mit denen "starke Männer" bereits vor hunderten von Jahren ungläubiges Staunen hervorriefen: Er biegt Eisen mit Händen und Zähnen, zerreißt Kartenspiele und hebt auf einer Plattform über 10 Kinder hoch. Zum anderen reißt er mit Witz und perfektem Timing unaufdringlich, aber sicher jedes Publikum mit. Hinter den historisch verbrieften Strongman-Tricks steckt übrigens keine Zauberei, sondern beinhartes, jahrelanges Training.

Eisen-Hans war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval

Eisenhans lässt die traditionelle Strongman Show in neuem Gewand auferstehen - mit viel Charme und einem Augenzwinkern. Zum einen beherrscht er jene schieren Kraftakte, mit denen "starke Männer" bereits vor hunderten von Jahren ungläubiges Staunen hervorriefen: Er biegt Eisen mit Händen und Zähnen, zerreißt Kartenspiele und hebt auf einer Plattform über 10 Kinder hoch. Zum anderen reißt er mit Witz und perfektem Timing unaufdringlich, aber sicher jedes Publikum mit. Hinter den historisch verbrieften Strongman-Tricks steckt übrigens keine Zauberei, sondern beinhartes, jahrelanges Training.

Eisen-Hans war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval

Eisenhans lässt die traditionelle Strongman Show in neuem Gewand auferstehen - mit viel Charme und einem Augenzwinkern. Zum einen beherrscht er jene schieren Kraftakte, mit denen "starke Männer" bereits vor hunderten von Jahren ungläubiges Staunen hervorriefen: Er biegt Eisen mit Händen und Zähnen, zerreißt Kartenspiele und hebt auf einer Plattform über 10 Kinder hoch. Zum anderen reißt er mit Witz und perfektem Timing unaufdringlich, aber sicher jedes Publikum mit. Hinter den historisch verbrieften Strongman-Tricks steckt übrigens keine Zauberei, sondern beinhartes, jahrelanges Training.

Eisen-Hans war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval

Eisenhans lässt die traditionelle Strongman Show in neuem Gewand auferstehen - mit viel Charme und einem Augenzwinkern. Zum einen beherrscht er jene schieren Kraftakte, mit denen "starke Männer" bereits vor hunderten von Jahren ungläubiges Staunen hervorriefen: Er biegt Eisen mit Händen und Zähnen, zerreißt Kartenspiele und hebt auf einer Plattform über 10 Kinder hoch. Zum anderen reißt er mit Witz und perfektem Timing unaufdringlich, aber sicher jedes Publikum mit. Hinter den historisch verbrieften Strongman-Tricks steckt übrigens keine Zauberei, sondern beinhartes, jahrelanges Training.

Eisen-Hans war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval

Eisenhans lässt die traditionelle Strongman Show in neuem Gewand auferstehen - mit viel Charme und einem Augenzwinkern. Zum einen beherrscht er jene schieren Kraftakte, mit denen "starke Männer" bereits vor hunderten von Jahren ungläubiges Staunen hervorriefen: Er biegt Eisen mit Händen und Zähnen, zerreißt Kartenspiele und hebt auf einer Plattform über 10 Kinder hoch. Zum anderen reißt er mit Witz und perfektem Timing unaufdringlich, aber sicher jedes Publikum mit. Hinter den historisch verbrieften Strongman-Tricks steckt übrigens keine Zauberei, sondern beinhartes, jahrelanges Training.

Eisen-Hans war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval

Eisenhans lässt die traditionelle Strongman Show in neuem Gewand auferstehen - mit viel Charme und einem Augenzwinkern. Zum einen beherrscht er jene schieren Kraftakte, mit denen "starke Männer" bereits vor hunderten von Jahren ungläubiges Staunen hervorriefen: Er biegt Eisen mit Händen und Zähnen, zerreißt Kartenspiele und hebt auf einer Plattform über 10 Kinder hoch. Zum anderen reißt er mit Witz und perfektem Timing unaufdringlich, aber sicher jedes Publikum mit. Hinter den historisch verbrieften Strongman-Tricks steckt übrigens keine Zauberei, sondern beinhartes, jahrelanges Training.

Eisen-Hans war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval

Eisenhans lässt die traditionelle Strongman Show in neuem Gewand auferstehen - mit viel Charme und einem Augenzwinkern. Zum einen beherrscht er jene schieren Kraftakte, mit denen "starke Männer" bereits vor hunderten von Jahren ungläubiges Staunen hervorriefen: Er biegt Eisen mit Händen und Zähnen, zerreißt Kartenspiele und hebt auf einer Plattform über 10 Kinder hoch. Zum anderen reißt er mit Witz und perfektem Timing unaufdringlich, aber sicher jedes Publikum mit. Hinter den historisch verbrieften Strongman-Tricks steckt übrigens keine Zauberei, sondern beinhartes, jahrelanges Training.

Eisen-Hans war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Erlebbar Heute

Für die Kleinen gibt es hier Kinder-Ritter-Spiele und sogar Kinder-Ritter-Turniere, in denen sie ihr Geschick beweisen können.
Wie immer auf dem Spielplatz des Goldberges gleich links vom Eingang."

Erlebbar Heute war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Hopsa Viva Insgemein Logo
Hopsa Viva Insgemein

Das Räubertheater ist eine von „Hopsa viva Insgemein“ eingeführte Gattung des Mittelaltertheaters, die sich auf äußerst unterhaltsame und publikumsnahe Art mit Themen wie Bettlern, Gauklern und Diebsgesindel sowie deren Konflikten mit Gesetz und Obrigkeit beschäftigt.

Hopsa Viva Insgemein war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Hopsa Viva Insgemein Logo
Hopsa Viva Insgemein

Das Räubertheater ist eine von „Hopsa viva Insgemein“ eingeführte Gattung des Mittelaltertheaters, die sich auf äußerst unterhaltsame und publikumsnahe Art mit Themen wie Bettlern, Gauklern und Diebsgesindel sowie deren Konflikten mit Gesetz und Obrigkeit beschäftigt.

Hopsa Viva Insgemein war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval


Jahanara war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval


Jahanara war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval


Jolandolo war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval


Jolandolo war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval


Jolandolo war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval


Jolandolo war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval


Jolandolo war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval


Jolandolo war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval


Jolandolo war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Kahira Logo

Kahira besteht aus fünf Frauen deren Leidenschaft der Orientalische Tanz in all seinen Facetten ist. Neben klassisch orientalischen Elementen umfasst ihr Repertoire auch den Tanz mit Feuer und Licht. Lasst euch entführen in eine Welt zwischen Orient und Okzident. Als Selber Gewächs dürfen sie auf keinem F-M fehlen.

Kahira spielen dieses Jahr zu folgenden Zeiten:
Freitag, 06.09., 18:00 Uhr, Handwerkermarkt
Freitag, 06.09., 23:00 Uhr, Theaterbühne - LED-Show
Samstag, 07.09., 16:00 Uhr, Handelsmarkt
Sonntag, 08.09., 13:30 Uhr, Handwerkermarkt

Kahira war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Katrin la Coquillarde Logo
Katrin la Coquillarde

Francois Villon – Verehrt und Angespien:
Gibt es einen besseren Weg ins Mittelalter einzutauchen als auf den Spuren eines umtriebigen Zeitgenossen?

Wohl kaum einer bietet sich dafür an wie Francois Villon, der sowohl Dichter als auch Landstreicher war und dessen abenteuerliches Leben von den untersten Schichten der Diebe und Bettler bis an die fürstlichen Höfe führte.

Mit Rezitationen und eigenen, musikalischen Vertonungen seiner Werke, begleitet von unterhaltsamem Puppenspiel entführe ich ins spätmittelalterliche Frankreich. Dabei erzähle ich vom Leben des Poeten, der auf wunderbare Weise mehrmals dem Galgen entging und wie es in einem seiner bekanntesten Werke heißt „verehrt und angespien“ war.

Neidhart von Reuental:
Obgleich er als einer der bekanntesten Sänger des deutschen Hochmittelalters gilt, durchbricht Neidhart mit seiner „körperlichen Dichtung“ das Schema des klassischen Minnesangs.

In bäuerlichem Umfeld kommt der bayerische Ritter aus den Händeln mit diversen Bauerntölpeln nicht immer mit einem blauen Auge davon. Dabei sorgt die subjektive Erzählung heute wie damals für großen Spaß beim Zuhörer.

Mit humorvollem Theater und Marionettenspiel taucht der Zuschauer ins Leben des mittelalterlichen Sängers ein. Dabei werden die mittelhochdeutschen Texte mit der überlieferten Originalmelodie dargeboten und die erzählte Geschichte veranschaulicht.

Räuber unserer Heimat

Im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert trieben in ganz Deutschland organisierte Räuberbanden ihr Unwesen. Meist waren es die Führungspersönlichkeiten, die als Hauptmänner ein oder mehrerer Banden fungierten, die letztendlich namentlich Geschichte schrieben.

Besondere Berühmtheit erlangte der „Bayerische Hiasl“, doch auch um den „Schwarzen Veri“, den „Schinderhannes“ oder „Hannikel“ ranken sich viele Mythen.

In meinem Bühnenprogramm stelle ich einige dieser Räuberpersönlichkeiten vor, und erzähle mit Theater und Puppenspiel von ihrem Leben und Wirken. Dabei sollen auch die Lieder und Volksweisheiten, die von den Räubern handeln, ihren Anklang finden.

Katrin la Coquillarde war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Kelvin Kalvus Logo
Kelvin Kalvus

Poesie in Bewegung - seit dem Jahr 2000 auf den Bühnen weltweit, vom FM I bis FM X dabeigewesen, M.A. Mittelalterliche Geschichte, chursächsischer Hofalchimist, Supertalentvize, Guinnessweltrekordler, Offizier der NVA, Schlosser, Vater von vier Kindern, das Leben war nicht ganz langweilig, obwohl er meistens eine ruhige Kugel schieben konnte. Es wird wie immer auf dem FM eine neue Show geben mit alten Kugeln, mehr Make-up (er wird älter), mehr Abwechslung (er hat Gäste), mehr Tricks (merkt eh keiner).

Kelvin Kalvus spielen dieses Jahr zu folgenden Zeiten:
Freitag, 06.09., 17:00 Uhr, Theaterbühne
Sonntag, 08.09., 19:15 Uhr, Hafenviertel

Kelvin Kalvus war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval


Pyromantika war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval


Pyromantika war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval


Pyromantika war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval


Pyromantika war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval


Pyromantika war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Roland von Georgenberg


Roland von Georgenberg war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Roland von Georgenberg


Roland von Georgenberg war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Roland von Georgenberg


Roland von Georgenberg war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Roland von Georgenberg


Roland von Georgenberg war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Roland von Georgenberg


Roland von Georgenberg war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Roland von Georgenberg


Roland von Georgenberg war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Roland von Georgenberg


Roland von Georgenberg war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Roland von Georgenberg


Roland von Georgenberg war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Roland von Georgenberg


Roland von Georgenberg war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Roland von Georgenberg


Roland von Georgenberg war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval
Roland von Georgenberg


Roland von Georgenberg war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval


Schabernack war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval


Schabernack war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval


Schabernack war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval


Schabernack war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval


Schabernack war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval


Schabernack war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval


Schabernack war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval


Schabernack war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval


Schabernack war bereits in den folgenden Jahren auf dem Festival-Mediaval

Programmänderungen freibleibend